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Loose Panicle1 encoding a novel WRKY transcription factor, regulates panicle development, stem elongation, and seed size in foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.]

Fig 3

Identification of the LP1 locus.

(A) Examples of the molecular markers used for map-based cloning. CAAS4019, In2-11, and In2-4401 are SSR and indel markers that are closely linked to the LP1 locus. M, molecular weight marker; ♀, female parents (lp1); ♂, male parents (‘SSR41’); F1, F1 generation from lp1 × ‘SSR41’ cross; P, DNA pools of recessive homozygous individual in F2 population; 1–22, different recessive homozygous individuals. (B) Fine mapping of the LP1 gene using molecular markers. (C) Co-segregation analysis of the BC1F2 population using dCAPS markers; ♀, female parents (lp1); ♂, male parents (‘Yugu1’).

Fig 3
