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Genome-scale investigation of olfactory system spatial heterogeneity

Fig 5

Gene expression and differential enrichment in the anterior vs posterior AOB.

A) 1: Scatter plots of gene expression for all 3,041 genes in the anterior vs. posterior AOB. Each point is an average across anterior voxels and posterior voxels (see Methods). Dotted line indicates equal expression in the anterior and posterior. Lower graph is the same data on an expanded scale. A2) total expression of all genes in the Anterior AOB and posterior AOB, illustrating no notable difference between the two. B) top. plot of differential enrichment (anterior AOB enrichment—posterior AOB enrichment; see text) for all genes. The majority of genes were symmetrically or near-symmetrically expressed in the anterior and posterior AOB. Genes with asymmetry scores exceeding 4 standard deviations are shown in lines and markers. The remainder of genes are shown as dots. Bottom: Histogram differential enrichment, shown in both linear (red) and log axes.

Fig 5
