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Simulating within-vector generation of the malaria parasite diversity

Fig 2

Comparison of life cycle model with published data.

(A) Experimental data (blue circles) extracted (using Plot Digitizer) from Figure 1A in [46] along with the mean number of oocysts per mosquito calculated from our simulation data. The experimental data is scaled to be in units of gametocytes per five μL rather than gametocytes per one μL. A regression line to the log-log experimental data (dashed green) and to a subset of the experimental data over the range of initial gametocyte densities used to parameterize the model (solid green) is shown along with our model simulations (red stars). (B) Experimental data (black circles) from Figure 1 in [47] of oocyst intensity and prevalence (reproduced with permission) compared to results of the simulation starting from 150 (red shading), 300 (green shading) and 450 (blue shading) gametocytes. The colored areas represent the range of oocyst intensity and prevalence observed from simulations.

Fig 2
