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A systematic approach to estimate the distribution and total abundance of British mammals

Fig 4

Example maps for the red fox.

Plot (a) presents the available data showing: (i) species occurrence; and (ii) density; by the decade of last sighting; (iii) mean density (estimates are assumed to be representative of entire cell, considered the upper limit of observed density). Plot (b) presents the corresponding model predictions based on a 10 km grid showing: (i) habitat suitability; (ii) the lower bound (Minimum); and (iii) the upper bound (Maximum); for abundance. Maps show the fox is a highly reported and surveyed species. Habitat suitability modelling reflects this predicting widespread occurrence across a variety of landscapes. Maps of abundance show similar spatial distributions suggesting a negative correlation between habitat suitability and density. Uncoloured areas indicate absence (i.e. zero abundance) which is assumed where habitat suitability scores are lower than a threshold value; in this case 0.9.

Fig 4
