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Gap analysis on the biology of Mediterranean marine fishes

Table 2

List of some of the least studied fish species in the Mediterranean Sea based on the number of studied characteristics and the number of records per characteristic (G: growth parameters; A: lifespan; LWR: length-weight relationships; Lm: length at maturity; Spawn: onset and duration of spawning; Fec: fecundity; M: mortality; Diet: feeding preferences).

The commercial value (Val) as price category (VH: very high; H: high; M: medium; L: low; U: unknown), the protection status (IUCN) as IUCN Red List status category (LC: least concern; EN: endangered; DD: data deficient; NE: not evaluated; NT: near threatened; VU: vulnerable; CR: critically endangered) and exploitation status (ES) of recent assessments (O: overexploited; S: sustainably exploited; -: not assessed) according to [37, 45] have also been included.

Table 2
