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mRNA N6-methyladenosine methylation of postnatal liver development in pig

Fig 1

Overview of m6A methylation in porcine liver.

(A) Venn diagram showing the overlap of m6A peaks in newborn (8,855), suckling (7,350) and adult (7,961). There are 5,848 common peaks among the three stages, which with ≥ 50% length overlap between stages. (B) Venn diagram showing the overlap of m6A modified genes. Respectively, 4,676 genes in newborn, 4,103 in suckling and 4,339 in adult were m6A methylated. For all three stages, 3,481 genes were consistently modified. (C) Proportion of genes containing variant numbers of m6A peaks. Majority of modified genes (74.60%) contain one or two m6A peaks, while the rest contains more. (D) Sequence logo representing the most common consensus motif (RRm6ACH) in the m6A peaks. The consensus sequence was detected by DREME (version: 4.10.2), using the 101 nucleotides centered on the summits of called original narrow peaks.

Fig 1
