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Expression of CD133 and CD44 in glioblastoma stem cells correlates with cell proliferation, phenotype stability and intra-tumor heterogeneity

Fig 4

Expression of the CD44 marker in vitro is more stable than CD133.

(A) Experimental schema of the sorting and reanalysis experiment. Gliomaspheres were sorted by FACS into pure subpopulations. Seven days later the cultures were reanalyzed for the expression of CD133 and CD44. (B) Representative FACS analysis of the MU020 unsorted control. 10,000 cells were grown for 7 days and interrogated for CD44 and CD133 expression. (C) Reanalysis of the MU020 sorted subpopulations. Sorted cells were grown for seven days and interrogated for CD44 and CD133 expression. The purified subpopulation is labelled above each plot. (D) Quantification of the sorting and reanalysis experiment. Data is presented as the % difference from the unsorted population control. Error bars represent SEM of 4 distinct PDGC samples. The initial sorted subpopulation is represented on the x-axis and the quantified subpopulation by FACS reanalysis represented by stacked bars.

Fig 4
