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Nitrogen addition shifts the microbial community in the rhizosphere of Pinus tabuliformis in Northwestern China

Fig 2

Structural equation model (SEM) of N addition effects on the plant-soil-microbe system.

Examining the multivariate effects on soil microbial total PLFA, MBC, and MBN through hypothetical pathways of soil (nitrate N, ammonium N and DOC content, and pH) and plant (aboveground and root biomass) properties. The final model fit the data well: χ215 = 8.158, P = 0.137, Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) = 130.000, RMSEA = 0.313. Percentages close to endogenous variables indicate the proportion of variation explained by the model (R2). Numbers at arrows are standardized path coefficients represent the pathways have significant effects (P < 0.05). MBC, microbial biomass carbon, MBN, microbial biomass nitrogen, DOC, dissolved organic carbon.

Fig 2
