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Malnutrition in Healthy Individuals Results in Increased Mixed Cytokine Profiles, Altered Neutrophil Subsets and Function

Fig 5

Frequency of LDGs in PBMCs.

PBMCs from individuals with normal BMI (n = 17) and low BMI (n = 23, of which 9 were moderately malnourished and 14 were severely malnourished) were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and the frequency of LDGs (CD15+arginase+ cells) was determined by flow cytometry. Fig 5A shows the correlation between BMI and the frequency of LDGs and statistical significance was established using a Spearman rank test. Fig 5B shows the frequency of LDGs between the individuals with a normal BMI, moderately malnourished and severely malnourished individuals and statistical significance was established using a Kruskal-Wallis test.

Fig 5
