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Mutation Processes in 293-Based Clones Overexpressing the DNA Cytosine Deaminase APOBEC3B

Fig 3

SNP analyses to estimate new mutation accumulation.

(A) A dynastic tree illustrating the relationship between mother, daughter, and granddaughter clones used for SNP and WGS experiments. The red, dashed box around the daughter clones denotes 10 cycles of Dox-treatment. (B) A histogram summarizing the SNP alterations observed in granddaughter clones by microarray hybridization. Red, blue, and black colors represent C-to-T, C-to-A, and C-to-G mutations, respectively. (C) Sanger sequencing chromatograms confirming representative cytosine mutations predicted by SNP analysis. The left chromatogram shows a G-to-A transition (C-to-T on the opposite strand) and the right chromatogram a C-to-G transversion. (D) A histogram plot of the total number of copy number (CN) alterations in the indicated categories in A3B-eGFP exposed granddaughter clones in comparison to eGFP exposed controls, which were normalized to zero in order to make this comparison. (E) A dot plot and best-fit line of data in panel B versus data in panel D.

Fig 3
