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Relating Land Use and Human Intra-City Mobility

Fig 2

The fraction of destination land-use type per trip purpose.

The trip purpose categories are as follows: 1. home activities, 2. visiting friends or relatives, 3. eating out, 4. attending class, 5. household errands or personal business, 6. service private vehicle, 7. shopping, 8. dropped off or picked up passenger, 9. civil and religious activities, 10. health care, 11. work related, 12. business related, 13. change of type of transportation, 14. recreation and entertainment. The land-use types are as follows: 1. residential, 2. urban mix, 3. educational, 4. government institutes, 5. office and business park, 6. shopping, 7. medical and health care facilities, 8. entertainment, 9. manufacturing and warehouse, 10. open space for leisure, 11. forest, 12. construction, 13. agricultural, 14. river, 15. transportation related, 16. social infrastructure. The land-use types are aggregated from 50 categories in the original data (how is explained in the Methods section).

Fig 2
