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Structural Analysis of the Regulatory Domain of ExsA, a Key Transcriptional Regulator of the Type Three Secretion System in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Fig 2

Mapping of the ExsA dimer interface.

(A) The shown A/A’ ExsA-NTD interface suggests involvement of helix α-2 in ExsA dimerization. Previously identified interface residues are indicated in the same color as the protein backbone. G124 and L117 are colored violet and yellow in the respective molecules. (B) Shown is a sample gel of measurements testing the impact of the L117R and G124R mutations on the ability of ExsA to activate transcription in vitro. Three concentrations of each protein were tested to ensure that the experiments were conducted in a sensitive range. (C) Graphical representation of the in vitro transcription assays from triplicate experiments. Going from left to right: wtExsA, ExsAG124R, and ExsAL117R.

Fig 2
