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Properties of a Glutamatergic Synapse Controlling Information Output from Retinal Bipolar Cells

Fig 5

Transient and sustained GLCs encode distinct regions of the intensity spectrum.

The left and right columns in (A) show the spike raster plots of sustained (n = 7) and transient cells (n = 6), respectively, to different intensities of light. (B) and (C) show the Naka-Rushton fit to normalized spike count plotted against increasing intensities of light to the sustained and transient bold responses in (A) (first trace in each intensity). The arrow indicates the light intensity used in voltage/current clamp experiments. (D) and (E) respectively show a comparison of the average intensity span and half maximum, obtained from the Naka-Rushton fits of each cell type. Averages of both intensity span and half maximum of sustained cells were significantly higher than transient cells (intensity span: *p < 0.001, half maximum: *p < 0.05).

Fig 5
