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Development of Circadian Oscillators in Neurosphere Cultures during Adult Neurogenesis

Fig 1

Changes in mPer1 expression from ultradian to circadian during neurosphere cell differentiation.

Bioluminescence was recorded from individual spheres that were first treated with forskolin and then maintained in SCM (A) or stimulated to differentiate in SM (E, F) or B27 medium (I, J). Bioluminescence was also recorded from spheres that were not treated with forskolin before maintenance in SCM (B). Shown is the 5-point running-average of detrended data as analog-to-digital units of the camera (ADUs). The proportion of spheres that were ultradian (U), circadian (C) and non-rhythmic (N) after 4 days are shown with or without forskolin treatment for spheres in SCM (C, D), SM (G, H) and B27 medium (K). Arrows indicate when the 2-hr forskolin pulse ended.

Fig 1
