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H-Ferritin-Regulated MicroRNAs Modulate Gene Expression in K562 Cells

Fig 4

The two highest scoring networks identified by IPA, that correlate genes target of the miRNAs differentially expressed after FHC silencing.

Ingenuity Pathway Analysis was used to investigate the networks potentially affected by the down-regulated genes. (A) Cell Death and Survival, Hematological System Development and Function, Hematopoiesis” is the highest scoring network with a significance score of 37 and 18 focus molecules (B) DNA Replication, Recombination and Repair, Cell Cycle, Cancer” has a significance score of 32 and 16 focus molecules. The target down-regulated genes are shaded in green. Intensity of shading correlates with the degree of down-regulation. A solid line represents a direct interaction between two genes, while a dotted line indicates an indirect interaction.

Fig 4
