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A Bayesian Perspective on Sensory and Cognitive Integration in Pain Perception and Placebo Analgesia

Figure 3

Model predictions of pain rating.

Probability distributions before (A, B) and after (A, B, C) conditioning. (A) Posterior probability distributions of pain rating given the stimulus intensity. The color scale codes for relative probabilities (scaled so the maximum equals 1). Orange curves indicate maxima (most probable pain rating), also reported in (B). Vertical lines highlight some of the distributions shown, with same colors and line types, in (C) and in Figs. 4C and 5A. (B) Most probable rating given a stimulus, for each possible stimulus: before training (pre), and after training. Values after training are shown for stimuli paired with a cue (Cg: green cue; Cr: red cue) or not (noCue). Horizontal lines indicate the estimated pain rating for high stimuli paired with red (red dotted line, overt no-treatment) and green (green dashed line, placebo condition) cues, and for low stimuli paired with green (green dotted line, overt treatment) and red (brown dashed line, nocebo condition) cues. (C) Prior probability distribution (prior), and posterior probability distributions conditioned on the high stimulus (Sh), on the green cue (Cg), and on both the high stimulus and the green cue together (CgSh, placebo).

Figure 3
