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Alzheimer's Therapeutics Targeting Amyloid Beta 1–42 Oligomers I: Abeta 42 Oligomer Binding to Specific Neuronal Receptors Is Displaced by Drug Candidates That Improve Cognitive Deficits

Figure 12

Small molecule Abeta binding antagonists prevent Abeta 1–42 oligomer-induced synaptic regression in cultured neurons.

A, Abeta oligomers bound to a subset of neurites (red) reduces synaptophysin-immunoreactive synaptic puncta (green). B, Treatment with sigma-2/PGRMC1 antagonists reduces oligomer binding and restores normal immunoreactivity for the synaptic marker. C, Oligomers induce an average 18%±2 s.e.m. loss in the number of immunoreactive puncta per micron length of neurite (red bar) compared to vehicle-treated cultures (blue bar). Treatment of cultures with sigma-2/PGRMC1 antagonists (closed bars) restores synaptophysin immunoreactivity to normal, but has no effect when antagonists are dosed alone (open bars). *p = 0.05, Student's paired t-test.

Figure 12
