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Regulation of Cilium Length and Intraflagellar Transport by the RCK-Kinases ICK and MOK in Renal Epithelial Cells

Figure 4

Depletion of ICK results in increased anterograde IFT velocity.

(A) Average anterograde velocities of IFT components in control cells, and cells depleted of ICK or MOK using two independent shRNA constructs for each. Statistically significant differences (p<0.001) compared to the velocity of the same IFT component in control cells are indicated with a black asterisk. (B) Average retrograde velocities of IFT components in control cells, and cells depleted of ICK and MOK. (C) Representative kymograph of IFT43-YFP in cells depleted of ICK. The basal body (b.b.) and the distal tip (d.t.) of the cilium are indicated. In the corresponding, drawing anterograde trajectories are shown in red and retrograde trajectories are shown in blue. Error bars indicate SD. Numbers in the bars indicate number of particles analyzed.

Figure 4
