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Improved Yield of High Molecular Weight DNA Coincides with Increased Microbial Diversity Access from Iron Oxide Cemented Sub-Surface Clay Environments

Figure 7

OTU Overlap among DNA Extraction Methods.

Venn diagrams representing the combined OTUs accessed using experimental replicate extractions from (A, B) deciduous forest A-horizon soil and (C, D) iron oxide cemented clay. (A, C) The OTUs were identified and clustered using the de novo uclust implementation in QIIME [48] and each sample was rarified to 1499 sequences at 97% sequence similarity from sequences that were de-noised and singletons removed. (B, D) Venn diagram of overlapping OTUs across different methods using the closed reference OTU picking method with 97% sequence similarity against manually curated Greengenes database of 16S rRNA sequences.

Figure 7
