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ModuleRole: A Tool for Modulization, Role Determination and Visualization in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

Figure 3

The identification of key genes important for prostate cancer metastatis.

A. The modulization and role determination in the genetic interaction network of the 3998 differentially expressed genes between Metastatic state and Normal state in prostate cancer cells. Every node is a protein and the different node shapes represent different universal roles as indicated in panel B. The Line between every two nodes represents the PPI interaction between two proteins. The thicker lines indicate the PPI interactions inside a module, while the thinner ones indicate the interactions between modules. C. The role distribution of all proteins shown in panel A. X axis is the role from 1 to 7, and Y axis shows the number of proteins which have the corresponding role. D. A coarse graining of the network shown in panel A in which each module is represented by a single node, with edges representing interaction numbers between modules. The radius of the node is proportional to the node number in this module, and the thickness of the edges is proportional to the number of interaction among modules. The colors in panel D correspond to that in panel A. Both panel A and D were visualized in Pajek.

Figure 3
