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Growth-Mortality Relationships in Piñon Pine (Pinus edulis) during Severe Droughts of the Past Century: Shifting Processes in Space and Time

Figure 1

Growth chronologies and death dates from piñon target trees.

Live (black) and dead (grey) tree ring-width index chronologies for TRP2000 (A), WRK2000 (B), BNM2000 (C), SEV2000 (D), BNM50 (E), and SEV50 (F). Tukey’s biweight robust mean was used to calculate chronology values from individual index series. A smoothing spline (df = 40) (thicker lines) is overlain on the annual mean value chronologies (thinner lines). A horizontal dashed line indicates the number of trees contributing to chronologies in each year. Bar plots of outside ring dates for dead trees at each site are shown in the small panels within each larger time series panel. The transparent grey boxes show SW drought events (as defined in [5]) preceding the 2000s (A–D) and 1950s (E–F) mortality events. The period 1945–1964 was the sixth strongest drought event since 1000 A.D., and the period 1899–1904 was the seventeenth strongest.

Figure 1
