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The Heme Oxygenase System Suppresses Perirenal Visceral Adiposity, Abates Renal Inflammation and Ameliorates Diabetic Nephropathy in Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats

Figure 9

Effect of hemin therapy on kidney macrophage infiltration (A) Representative images of kidney section from different rats.

The images reveal that macrophage infiltration (ED1-positive cells stained dark brown in kidney sections were elevated in ZDF-controls (panels A-iii and A-iv) as compared to ZL-controls (panels A-i and A-ii), but interestingly were reduced by hemin (panels A-v and A-vi). (Magnification×200). (B) Quantitative analyses per field indicating that in ZDF-controls macrophage infiltration was significantly elevated as compared to ZL-control, but was significantly attenuated by hemin therapy. Bars represent means ± SEM; n = 4–6 rats per group (*p<0.01 vs all groups).

Figure 9
