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Electrical Resonance in the θ Frequency Range in Olfactory Amygdala Neurons

Figure 4

Resonance blockade by external Cs+.

A1, ZAP-stimulus-induced voltage responses of a resonant neuron at a hyperpolarized potential (n = 7), before (Control) and during extracellular application of Cs+ (4 mM). B1, Normalized impedance profiles for the traces shown in A1. Note that in the presence of Cs+ impedance increases at low frequencies and resonance is completely lost (Q = 1.21 for Control and 1.00 for Cs+, as calculated from the least-squares fitted curve). C1, Phase shift for both conditions plotted against frequency, indicating that the inductive profile is missing in the presence of Cs+. A2C2, same as A1–C1, for a depolarized potential (−65 mV; n = 4), Q = 1.19 in control conditions and 1.00 in Cs+. See text for average data from nine experiments. ZAP stimulus: 15–0 Hz, 10 pA.

Figure 4
