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Resilience and Controllability of Dynamic Collective Behaviors

Figure 1

At a given instant, in a quasi-steady-state regime, velocity directions of agents are displayed in the physical space (top row) and the associated SSN in the network space (bottom row) for three different values of the outdegree.

: Left column: outdegree ; Center column: outdegree ; Right column: outdegree . Top row: the actual velocity of an agent is indicated by a small arrow which color is mapped onto the size of the radius of the topological neighborhood of interactions. The vertical colormap is identical for all values of k, and the size of radius is expressed with the same spatial units as the square domain . Roughly, a blue arrow corresponds to an agent with a fairly small topological neighborhood of interactions, while, on the contrary, a red arrow indicates a large topological neighborhood of interactions. Bottom row: instantaneous SSN associated with the physical distribution of agents shown in the top row. The network nodes are exactly located at the agents' physical locations. The directed links are colored according to the value of the indegree of the source node, also colored, from which they are originating. A linear colormap ranging from blue to red is used with three different indegree intervals: for , for and for . The results correspond to the time step nondimensional time units, which according to the results in Fig. 9, is part of a quasi steady state. The noise level is fixed and set to rad.

Figure 1
