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Functional Roles Affect Diversity-Succession Relationships for Boreal Beetles

Figure 1

Relationships between stand age and abundance and stand age and species richness for beetle functional groups based on : a) and e) threat status; b) and f) degree to which species are dependent on dead wood; c) and g) diet; and d) and h) trapping method.

Symbols are as follows: threat status: common species (●); red-listed species (○); saproxylic: non-saproxylic (Δ); facultative saproxylic (▲); obligatory saproxylic (▲); diet: cambium consumers (♦); detritivores (◊); fungivores (♦); predators (×); trap type: emergence = white bars; flight intercept = grey bars. Only significant or near-significant regression lines are shown. Lines may appear curved due to the log scale of the y-axis.

Figure 1
