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Construction of a Phylogenetic Tree of Photosynthetic Prokaryotes Based on Average Similarities of Whole Genome Sequences

Figure 2

Phylogenetic trees of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus species.

Phylogenetic tree of 16S rDNA sequences (A). The lengths of the nodes represent the substitution rate, which is defined as the percentage of substitution sites per alignment length. Bootstrap values ≥50 are shown on the branch points. (B) to (F). Phylogenetic trees were constructed using FAv (B), FXY (C), FYX (D), FH (E) and FL (F) values. The lengths of the nodes in the trees (B) to (F) represent the FAv, FXY, FYX, FH, and FL, respectively. Phylogenetic trees were drawn as NJ trees using the NEIGHBOR program in the PHYLIP package 3.67. Out-group of phylogenetic trees is the same as in (A).

Figure 2
