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Giant Hydrogen Sulfide Plume in the Oxygen Minimum Zone off Peru Supports Chemolithoautotrophy

Figure 5

Vertical distribution of sequences recruited onto the genomes of three γ-proteobacterial sulfur oxidizers.

Shown are selected genes encoding for enzymes involved in oxygen (blue), sulfur (yellow), nitrogen (red) and carbon metabolism (green) in the corresponding order of the genomes. The y-axis depicts the log of the expression-ratio, a measure for the selective enrichment of transcripts over the corresponding gene, normalized to the total pool of protein-coding sequences. A list of the start and end position of all genes and the full names of the corresponding enzymes are shown in Table S3. (A) Uncultured SUP05 cluster bacterium. (B) Candidatus Ruthia magnifica str. Cm. (C) Candidatus Vesicomyosocius okutanii HA. *This DsrM-like protein has also high similarity to a narG respiratory nitrate reductase.

Figure 5
