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Legionella pneumophila Infection of Drosophila S2 Cells Induces Only Minor Changes in Mitochondrial Dynamics

Figure 3

Quantitative measures of mitochondrial behavior in L. pneumophila-infected S2 cells.

(A) shows images of live S2 cells with mitochondria stained green with R123, and L. pneumophila apparent via mCherry expression. The white traces show typical paths for individual mitochondria followed for 140–320 sec in cells infected with WT (left) or dotA (right) bacteria. Tracking of individual mitochondrial movements in these cells was used to calculate mitochondrial velocity (B), duty cycle (% of time spent moving, C) and persistence (net displacement/total path length, D) in cells at 1, 2, 3 and 4 hrs post-infection. Analysis of mean values for these measures revealed no significant differences in mitochondrial motility between WT- (black bars) and dotAinfected (gray bars) cells at any of these time points (Friedman two-way analysis of variance; p>0.05). The white numbers within each histogram bar indicate the number of separate cells in which mitochondria were tracked. Error bars = SEM. Scale bar, 10 µm.

Figure 3
