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Serial Non-Invasive Assessment of Antibody Induced Nephritis in Mice Using Positron Emission Tomography

Figure 1

Renal dysfunction and pathological changes during anti-GBM antibody–induced nephritis.

Following the challenge with anti-GBM serum, 129×1/SvJ mice (n = 3–9 per group) showed increased serum creatinine (sCr) levels (A) and proteinuria (B); Kidney specimens from all anti-GBM nephritis mice were examined by light microscopy for evidence of glomerular nephritis (GN score) (C), and glomerular crescent formation (D). Representative Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining on day 0 (E) and day 14 (F) (yellow dash line indicates the formation of crescent). F also shows severe inflammatory cell infiltration in the tubular-interstitial area of anti-GBM nephritic mice as indicated by yellow arrows. The severity of GN score was graded on a 0–4 scale as follows: 0, normal; 1, mild increase in mesangial cellularity and matrix; 2, moderate increase in mesangial cellularity and matrix, with thickening of the GBM; 3, focal endocapillary hypercellularity with obliteration of capillary lumina and a substantial increase in the thickness and irregularity of the GBM; and 4, diffuse endocapillary hypercellularity, segmental necrosis, crescents, and hyalinized end-stage glomeruli.

Figure 1
