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A Snapshot of the Physical and Functional Wiring of the Eps15 Homology Domain Network in the Nematode

Figure 1

Yeast Two Hybrid analysis of EH-proteins in C. elegans.

(A) Schematic diagram of the five EH-containing proteins in C. elegans. Note that several isoforms are reported in wormbase. Here, we show the isoforms cloned, sequenced and used for the described experiments. Baits used for the Y2H are indicated by black lines. For EHS-1, two distinct baits were used in the screens, since a bait spanning the three EH domains showed self-activation. CC, coiled-coil region; SH3, region containing multiple SH3s in ITSN-1; PxxP, region containing multiple SH3-binding sites in EHS-1; DPFs, region containing multiple AP-2-binding sites in EHS-1; P-loop, nucleotide-binding domain in RME-1. (B) Results of the Y2H screen. The 26 identified EH-interactors are listed. Potential EH-binding motifs are indicated. Black, interactions detected in the initial screen; gray, interactions detected in the re-transformation assay (see text). The number of clones identified in the initial screen is also shown. No interactions were detected for R10E11.6. (C) The indicated genes were tested by quantitative PCR in the yeast library used for the Y2H screening. The number of EH-interacting motifs (NPF) and the frequency of identification in the Y2H (H, high; In, intermediate; L, low; No, no interaction) are shown at the bottom. The estimated number of copies present in the cDNA library is shown, by grey bars, in arbitrary units relative to the level of representation of epn-1 that was set to 100. As a comparison we show, using black bars, the frequency of isolation of the various clones in Y2H, again relative to the frequency of isolation of epn-1 that was set to 100 ( = 45 clones).

Figure 1
