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Worse Renal Disease in Postmenopausal F2[Dahl S x R]-Intercross Rats: Detection of Novel QTLs Affecting Hypertensive Kidney Disease

Figure 3

QTLs for glomerular injury score (GIS) in postmenopausal F2 (Dahl S x R)-intercross female rats.

Chromosomes were analyzed by interval mapping with bootstrap resampling method to estimate a confidence interval (QTXb19 Map Manager): Panel A, chromosome 4 (GIS-pm1); B, chromosome 3 (GIS-pm2); C, chromosome 5 (GIS-pm3); D, chromosome 2 (GIS-pm4) and E, chromosome 7 (GIS-pm5). Yellow histograms represent the bootstrap-based confidence intervals for the detected QTLs. Orientation of chromosomes: left → right starting from lowest Mbp. Horizontal green lines [] mark LOD values for significance of linkage, from top to bottom: highly significant LOD≥3.17; significant LOD≥2.17; suggestive LOD≥1.15; LOD [—]; regression coefficient [].

Figure 3
