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Regionally Distinct Responses of Microglia and Glial Progenitor Cells to Whole Brain Irradiation in Adult and Aging Rats

Figure 8

Phenotype analysis of proliferating non-microglial cells.

Representative examples of triple-IF labeling for Ki67 (blue), NG2 (red), and Iba1 (green) are shown from animals of the indicated ages and conditions. For each example an image stack was collected (Z step = 0.5 µm) and projected to a single image plane (maximum intensity function). Dividing microglia (Ki67+/Iba1+/NG2+) are indicated by white arrows. Among the Iba1+ microglia that were not dividing, some co-expressed NG2 (yellow arrows) while others did not (green arrows), although NG2+ process often were located in close approximation to the latter. The dividing cells that did not express Iba1 were NG2+ (purple arrows). Scale bar = 15 µm.

Figure 8
