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Epigenetic Disruption of the PIWI Pathway in Human Spermatogenic Disorders

Figure 2

PIWIL2 and TDRD1 become more methylated in human infertility syndromes.

Bisulfite sequencing of the piRNA processing genes PIWIL1 (A), PIWIL2 (B), TDRD1 (C) and TDRD9 (D). Black and white squares indicate CpG methylation and unmethylated sites, respectively. One representative sample of a large difference between testis with conserved spermatogenesis (CS), maturation failure at the spermatocyte (scMF) or at the round spermatid (rsMF) stage, and in Sertoli cell-only syndrome (SCO) are displayed. Sample number corresponding to that in Table 1 is also indicated. (E) Methylation level of gene promoters of PIWIL1, PIWIL2, TDRD1 and TDRD9 in testis with conserved spermatogenesis (CS), maturation failure at the spermatocyte (scMF) or at the round spermatid (rsMF) stage, and in Sertoli cell-only syndrome (SCO) samples. Independent data are also shown in Figure S1 and S2. Significant differences compared to CS samples are indicated (*).

Figure 2
