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Biophysical Characterisation of Neuroglobin of the Icefish, a Natural Knockout for Hemoglobin and Myoglobin. Comparison with Human Neuroglobin

Figure 2

Cavities in Antarctic Ngbs.

A. Iso surface representation of five-coordinated C. aceratus Ngb highlighting the distal site (DS), and A, B, D, E, F and G cavities. The heme is in sticks and putative ligand exit sites are indicated. B. Free-energy diagram of migration pathway found in five-coordinated C. aceratus Ngb (black), D. mawsoni Ngb (red) and human (green), connecting cavity B to the solvent (SV) through DS. From right to left are the energies of a ligand exiting to the solvent through the HisE7 gate, visiting the DS. C. Free-energy diagram of the alternative most favourable migration pathways connecting cavity B (left) to the solvent (SV, right). Energy barriers of a ligand exiting from B to the solvent through cavities D (top), E (upper middle), F (lower middle) and G (bottom).

Figure 2
