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HIV-1 Envelope Resistance to Proteasomal Cleavage: Implications for Vaccine Induced Immune Responses

Figure 6

Biochemical characteristics of the CAT and CAT followed by proteasomal degradation products of Env-A244.

The Env-A244 peptides that were identified in Figures 3 A and 3 B were plotted to compare the size and frequency of the peptides generated after individual CAT (panel A) or individual CAT followed by proteasomal degradation (panel B). The molecular weights (mol wt), and the isoelectric points (pI) of the peptides after each of the degradations were also analyzed (panels C, D). No significant differences in the amino acid length (panels A, B), pI or mol wt (panels C, D) of the peptides produced from the cleavage products of Env-A244 were observed.

Figure 6
