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The Gαq/11 Proteins Contribute to T Lymphocyte Migration by Promoting Turnover of Integrin LFA-1 through Recycling

Figure 1

Gαi2 is needed for directed but not random migration.

(A) HSB2 T cells ± transfection with DN Gαi2 or vector control cDNAs showing chemotactic response to CXCL12 (SDF-1α) or medium alone using a Transwell assay, n = 4 experiments; (B) Random migration of HSB2 T cells on ICAM-1 treated as (A): a representative experiment of single cell tracking patterns (n = 15 cells per condition) and collective speed of migration (mean ± s.d.), n = 3 experiments; (C) T lymphoblasts ± pre-treatment with pertussis toxin (PTX) at 200 ng/ml showing chemotactic response to CXCL12, CXCL10 (IP-10) or medium alone using a Transwell assay, n = 3 experiments; (D) Random migration on ICAM-1 of T blasts treated as (C): a representative experiment of single cell tracking patterns (n = 25 cells per condition) and collective speed of migration (mean ± s.d.), n = 3 experiments.

Figure 1
