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Intranasal “painless” Human Nerve Growth Factors Slows Amyloid Neurodegeneration and Prevents Memory Deficits in App X PS1 Mice

Figure 13

Reduced activation of phospho-Erks and p-c-jun and increased synaptophysin staining in APPxPS1 mice treated with hNGFP61S/R100E.

(A) Western analysis of soluble brain extracts from WT, APPxPS1 and painless hNGF-treated APPxPS1 mice. Blots were probed with anti-Erks (upper panel) and mAb anti-tubulin YOL1 (lower panel). Lanes 1–3 refer to WT mice, lanes 4-6 to APPxPS1 mice treated with PBS and lanes 7–9 to APPxPS1 mice treated with hNGFP61S/R100E. (B) The graph reports quantitative determinations of the intensities of relevant bands. C–K, Immunofluorescence for MAP2 and pErks in WT mice (C–E), APPxPS1 mice treated with PBS (F–H) and (I–K) APPxPS1 mice treated with hNGFP61S/R100E (61/100). L–T, Immunofluorescence for synaptophysin (SYP) and pErks in WT mice (L–N), APPxPS1 mice treated with PBS (O–Q) and (R–T) APPxPS1 mice treated with hNGFP61S/R100E (61/100). Scale bar = 25 µm.

Figure 13
