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The Neural Basis of Decision-Making and Reward Processing in Adults with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Figure 3

Cortical current density mapping of valence and reward magnitude.

A. The source estimation of distributed valence dipoles (fERN, left) and magnitude effects (P3, right) for controls, patients with ADHD and those with BD. Color-map values represent the t-values of comparisons between signal and noise. B. A time-series of the absolute power activation evoked by valence and reward magnitudes at the anterior, medial and posterior cingulate cortex (aCC, mCC, pCC). C. The average values of absolute power at aCC, mCC and PCC for the valence and magnitude effects for all groups. We obtained the ROIs at aCC, mCC and pCC using a Tzourio-Mazoyer partition.

Figure 3
