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MHO1, an Evolutionarily Conserved Gene, Is Synthetic Lethal with PLC1; Mho1p Has a Role in Invasive Growth

Figure 4

Cellular localization of Memo in yeast and mammalian cells.

(A) Endogenous Mho1 was tagged C-terminally with GFP by homologous recombination for visualization. Yeast cells were grown 48 hrs to stationary phase in YPD and GFP was visualised by fluorescence microscopy. Mho1-GFP is present in the cytoplasm (c), the nucleus (n), and is excluded from the vacuole (v). (B) The human Memo-GFP was expressed in yeast cells and visualized. Memo is present in the cytoplasm, the nucleus and excluded from the vacuole. (C) Endogenous Memo was visualized in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) using a specific Memo antiserum [1]. Memo is present in the cytoplasm (2), the nucleus (1) and is excluded from the nucleoli (3). (D) The same antibody was used for Memo staining in SKBR3 breast tumor cells. (left panel) Memo is found in the cytoplasm and the nucleus in cells grown in DMEM containing 10% FCS. (right panel) following treatment of cultures for 20 min with 10 nM HRG, Memo is recruited to the membrane. Quantification of nuclear signal intensity versus signal intensity outside the nucleus showed that the levels of nuclear Memo are approximately the same before and after the treatment.

Figure 4
