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A Powerful Method for Transcriptional Profiling of Specific Cell Types in Eukaryotes: Laser-Assisted Microdissection and RNA Sequencing

Figure 6

Genes enriched in the central cell compared to other tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana.

Expression values of genes preferentially expressed in central cells are summarized in a heatmap (blue/red: low/high expression values). Expression values were equalized using edgeR [31] and log2(x+1) transformed. Samples and genes were clustered using Spearman correlation and hierarchical agglomerative clustering. Transcriptomes from whole plant and seedlings, unopened flowers, early globular embryos, male meiocytes, and 2–4 cell and globular stage embryos were obtained from [18], [19], [29], [30], and [12], respectively.

Figure 6
