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Differential Requirement for the CD45 Splicing Regulator hnRNPLL for Accumulation of NKT and Conventional T Cells

Figure 6

The Hnrpll mutation does not disrupt cytokine production by thymic, splenic and hepatic NKT cells.

(A) Representative histograms showing intracellular cytokine production by α-GalCer-CD1d tetramer+ TCRβ+ NKT cells from wild type (+/+) and Hnrpllthu/thu (thu/thu) mice that were either resting (shaded grey) or following activation with PMA and ionomycin (black line). (B) Frequency of cytokine producing cells of total NKT cells in the thymus of wild type and Hnrpllthu/thu mice. (C) Frequency of cytokine producing cells of total NKT cells in the spleen of wild type and Hnrpllthu/thu mice. (D) Frequency of cytokine producing cells of total NKT cells in the liver of wild type and Hnrpllthu/thu mice. Bars represent the mean value of each group ± s.d. from one of two independent experiments with a group of n = 3–5 mice per group in each.

Figure 6
