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On the Role of Attention in Binocular Rivalry: Electrophysiological Evidence

Figure 5

Scalp current density (SCD) maps of the N1 component from the attend-to-grating condition (left) and from the attend-to-fixation condition (middle) for transitions that involve an orientation change on only one eye (rivalry–fusion, fusion–rivalry) and for transitions that involve orientation changes on both eyes (fusion–fusion, rivalry–rivalry).

The right column depicts p-value maps for the statistical comparison of SCD values between the attend-to-grating and the attend-to-fixation condition by means of t-tests. P-values are Bonferroni corrected for the number of electrodes (α = 0.05). Green dots mark electrodes for which the current was significantly stronger in the attend-to-grating than in the attend-to-fixation condition. Black dots mark electrodes for which the current was significantly stronger in the attend-to-fixation than in the attend-to-grating condition. Note, that at posterior electrodes for all transitions the current was stronger in the attend-to-fixation condition.

Figure 5
