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Endophyte Microbiome Diversity in Micropropagated Atriplex canescens and Atriplex torreyi var griffithsii

Figure 2

Endophytic fungi associated with A. canescens seeds before (A) and during (B) germination.

A–B are stained with lactophenol cotton blue. C–F are unstained. A. A mature A. canescens seed prior to imbibition reveals a two-layered testa (t) associated with hyaline hyphae (h) on either side. Blue staining regions (b) are rare and indistinct. Embryonic plant cells are covered with dark, spore-forming microbial cells (m). B. A transverse section of an A. canescens embryo 48 hours into germination. Spore forming microbial cells (m) are visible on and around plant cells. Intracellular hyphae are visible, but often remain clear (h). C. Group 1 fungi (cf. Alternaria sp., HM596870) had dark brown, ovoid to obclavate conidia separated by both cross and longitudinal septa. D. Group 2 Fungi (cf. Cladosporium sp., HM596871) had brown, one and two celled ovoid and lemon-shaped conidia, some of which formed simple chains E. Group 3 Fungi (cf. Phoma sp., HM596868) had dark round conidia. F. Group 4 fungi (cf. Cryptococcus sp., FJ210546) were single celled, ovoid, and encapsulated. Scale bars = 10 microns.

Figure 2
