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Survey of Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Reveals ROS Kinase Fusions in Human Cholangiocarcinoma

Figure 2

Identification of ROS kinase fusions in CCA patients.

(A) Schematic diagram shows the Fused in Glioblastoma (FIG), ROS and FIG-ROS proteins. The position of the breakpoint is indicated by arrowhead (red or black). PDZ stands for PDZ domain, a protein-interaction domain; TM for transmembrane. Blue boxes refer to the two coiled-coil domains. The amino acid and DNA sequence from junction of the ROS fusions are listed. FIG-ROS (L) and FIG-ROS (S) refer to the long form and the short form of ROS fusions, respectively. (B) Expression of FIG and ROS mRNA in FIG-ROS positive cholangiocarcinoma patients. a. primer pairs FIG-F2 and ROS-GSP3.1 for FIG-ROS. b. primer pairs ROS-Ex31F and ROS-GSP2 for ROS. c. primer pairs FIG-F3 and FIG-R8 for FIG. U118MG and HCC78 were used as controls. (C) RT-PCR reaction identified a fusion of FIG to ROS in cDNA from two cholangiocarcinoma patients. GAPDH was used as a control. cDNA from U118MG cell line was included as a positive control. ‘C’ for cholangiocarcinoma, and ‘H’ for hepatocellular carcinoma. (D) Genomic breakpoints of FIG and ROS fusion gene for each patient. FIG intron sequences are shown in blue, and ROS intron sequences are shown in red or black. For TC23, the intron sequences between FIG-ROS fusion gene are composed of 1–822 base pair (bp) from intron 3 of FIG, antiparallel sequence of 620–656 bp derived from intron 35 of ROS (shown in red), and 666–1228 bp from intron 35 of ROS. For TC03, the intron sequences between FIG-ROS fusion gene consist of 1–2402 bp from intron 7 of FIG and 2317–2937 bp from intron 34 of ROS. Splice donor acceptor sites are shown in Italics.

Figure 2
