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Adult Mouse Subventricular Zone Stem and Progenitor Cells Are Sessile and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Negatively Regulates Neuroblast Migration

Figure 2

Stem and progenitor cells are stationary in the SVZ.

A–B: CSH-nestin-GFP showed bright GFP+ cells colocalized with GFAP immunohistochemistry (blue arrows) in the SVZ (A) and the RMS (B), (coronal sections). Scale bar = 50 µm. C: Location of two photon imaging in the SVZ and RMS of sagittal slices. LV = lateral ventricle, OB = olfactory bulb. D: Schematic of two photon imaging and a 5X image of the RMS in a CSH-nestin-GFP mouse. E-F: Bright CSH-nestin-GFP+ cells (ex. red arrows) showed no local movement in the RMS in two photon time lapse imaging. Time stamp is in hr:min in all figures and movies. G–I: All mGFAP-GFP+ cells in the movie were stationary during imaging. Examples of individual cells are indicated with arrows. Scale bar = 30 µm.

Figure 2
