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Protistan Diversity in the Arctic: A Case of Paleoclimate Shaping Modern Biodiversity?

Figure 4

Minimum evolution phylogenetic tree of 18S rDNA sequences showing the position of heterotrophic stramenopile Disko Island sequences.

The tree was constructed using a Tamura Nei DNA substitution model with the variable-site gamma distribution shape parameter (G) at 0.6830 and the proportion of invariable sites (I) at 0.1125, and is based on 784 unambiguously aligned and conserved positions. Distance bootstrap values over 50% from an analysis of 1000 bootstrap replicates are given at the respective nodes; dots identify nodes with 100% bootstrap support. Clone names in red, blue, and green identify sequences reported in this study (DI) and from hydrothermal vent and temperate environments, respectively. The first two identifiers of the DI sequences (D1–D5) designate the different PCR primer sets used in this study (detailed information in Table 2).

Figure 4
