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Cross-sectional association of Toxoplasma gondii exposure with BMI and diet in US adults

Fig 1

Association between T. gondii exposure and BMI, energy consumed, and HEI for females <200% poverty (a-c) and the difference between females <200% poverty and females >200% poverty (“difference”).

Black line is quantile regression coefficient and confidence intervals (95%) are shaded regions. Solid gray line shows the linear regression coefficient and dotted gray lines show the linear regression confidence interval (95%). The dotted line indicates no relationship at that quantile of BMI, energy consumed, and HEI. Straight black line shows value of 0, or no relationship. Controls: income >200% poverty, gender, race/ethnicity (non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, Hispanic, other race), household size, household size squared, age, age squared, whether married, education (less than high school, high school graduate, some college, college graduate), season of interview. Energy and HEI analyses also control for BMI.

Fig 1
