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Comparative analysis of virulence determinants, phylogroups, and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of typical versus atypical Enteroaggregative E. coli in India

Fig 3

A representative gel electrophoresis profile of different DEC using M-PCR.

lane 1, negative sample; lane 2, negative control (NC); lane 3, positive control (PC) EAEC (pCVD432); lane 4, EPEC (Eae); lane 5, EAEC (pCVD432); lane 6, EAEC (pCVD432); lane 7 EAEC (pCVD432); lane 8, EAEC (pCVD432); lane 9, ladder (100 bp); and lane 10, ETEC (LT and Sth).

Fig 3
