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Transcriptomic profiling of the digestive tract of the rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis, following blood feeding and infection with Yersinia pestis

Fig 2

Summary of X. cheopis digestive tract genes up- or down-regulated in response to sterile blood-feeding and infection.

A) Functional categorization of genes with significantly (≥2-fold) up- or down-regulated expression in response to both sterile blood-feeding and infection (n = 1216). B) The difference in the number of transcripts that were up- and down-regulated within various functional classifications. C) The difference in transcript abundance ((average FPKM for all upregulated transcripts)–(average FPKM for all downregulated transcripts)) within various functional classifications. For B and C, functional classifications with the 10 largest differences are shown.

Fig 2
