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Changes in historical typhoid transmission across 16 U.S. cities, 1889-1931: Quantifying the impact of investments in water and sewer infrastructures

Fig 1

Annual seasonal typhoid transmission estimated from Time-series Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered models.

The estimated seasonal transmission rate in each 4-week period is plotted for each city (color-coded by water source type; solid lines are the mean estimates and dashed lines are the 95% confidence intervals). The second-to-last panel shows the mean seasonal transmission across all cities in bold black. The last panel shows the mean seasonal transmission rate for cities with a particular water source type, with reservoirs in blue, rivers in green, and Great Lakes in purple. Seasons are shown in the background in shades of grey (medium-light grey for winter, light grey for spring, dark grey for summer, and medium-dark grey for fall).

Fig 1
